Monday, January 5, 2009

Lily Rose Day 5: My Life-Line

I don't know how many of you are familiar with dialysis and since it's a major part of my life, I decided to take a picture of the machine after I got hooked up this morning. Basically what you are seeing is about a cup of blood that is drawn out of my body, filtered of the toxins and then returned to my body through a catheter in my chest. This is my job four hours a day, three days a week. I have made a lot of friends since I started dialysis and lost some too, either to kidney transplantation or, unfortunately, death. I chose this picture in memory of Ms. Annie Cummings. May she rest in peace.


  1. Very good way to let some people in on a walk of life most people aren't privy to seeing.

  2. Yeah, this kinda looks familiar. *sly grin*
    Thanks for sharing this piece of your life with us all! :)
