Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Welcome to 365.

Hi and welcome to 365. Alison speaking.

I'm hoping by the start of the year, which is in 2 days, I'll have a couple friends joined in. I'm looking forward to that. But if it ends up being only me, I can handle that too.

I started this project as a New Year's Resolution and I hoping it really grows some wings here and takes off with a couple of my friends.

I have a penpal named Christina in Austria who's already interested and gotten one or two of her friends involved. And I'm eager to see the kinds of pictures that get taken daily in a different area of the world. Not to mention, she's an avid traveler, so we might be seeing photos from places like Budapest or Spain! How exciting!

Personally, I started practicing my daily photographing yesterday. I got home and it was a nice, dusky evening so I set my things down, took out my camera and started to go for a walk. I lost an earring though, and ended up scrounging around in the grass looking for it -- to no avail. Nonetheless, I did get some good pictures of Blondie. She's loves being photographed.

Here's one for grins:

Cheers to '09!

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