Thursday, April 30, 2009

30th April 2009

Putting up the "Maibaum" / maypole.

29th April 2009


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mill Waterfall

I was biking on the rail trail in Enfield, NH towards Canaan and snapped this shot down river from the old mill.

28th April 2009

Friendship! =)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

27th April 2009

The bat at my office!

Today I came to work and.. yeah.. saw that:

That was not the first bat, which I had in my office and I knew that I´ll carry her out, when it got dark. Because otherwise she (I say it´s a she ; ) couldn´t see and wouldn´t find her way back to the church tower.
But suddenly she fell down from the wall and lied on the floor. So I tried to get her out by putting her on a small hand-shovel and move her out (like I did with the last one ; ) .. but that didn´t wanted to get on my shovel, she started to fly through the room. So we opened the door and the window and hoped she would find her own way out.
Well.. yeah.. she flew out of the window, but than she came back through the door!!! =( So we closed the door and tried to bring her out of the window. After she flew some rounds arround our heads (brrr... scary!!! ; ), she luckily found her own way out of the window and back to the church tower! =)
I´m so happy she ´s now back at her home! =)

Dennda: 27 April

Mat Ryan: April 24, 25, 26

Close up of a forget-me-not that I saw on a hike.

Sunset through a tree on Eagle Ridge. Image has an overlay, thus softening the clouds. I like this one.

The Russians may or may not have been busted by INS, but there are now a lot of dirty mattress' outside of their house. Feel free to take one, I mean, they're free...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

25th April 2009

Dinos... ; )

24th April 2009

"Getting into earth/space" @ Natural History Museum / London

23rd April 2009

Where to go!? @ Hyde Park / London

22nd April 2009

The Tower of London.

21st April 2009

The House of Parliament / "Big Ben"

20th April 2009

Peter Pan statue at Kensington Garden (London).
My love!!! =)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mat Ryan: April 22, 23

My boss made the figure out of twisted steel; I kind of feel like it's a metaphor for my life. The truck, I see everyday. I tried something out on this and was somewhat successful, I tried an in camera High Dynamic Range effect. Basically, it involves taking multiple shots of the object, using a tripod, going from darker aperture to lighter, then overlaying the shots. If it wasn't windy and the tree wasn't moving, it would be pretty cool, but either way the picture is unedited other than the overlay, and I think it's pretty damn cool.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mat Ryan: April 21

Just some friends, bored, playing with fire :-)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mat Ryan: 04.20.09

I took a walk in the park today and noticed this at a picnic table.
I laughed hysterically.
And took a picture, then I laughed some more.

Mat Ryan: April 16, 17, 18, 19

The Bandit went for a hike up Mt. Cardigan. I'm slightly convinced that Bandit isn't actually a dog, I think he's a cross between a bunny and an Ewok. Either way, he may not look it, but he is one bad ass mountain dog.

Vines that are on part of the entrance to The Fells which are located somewhere near lake Sunapee.

Girls Gone Wild! In my hometown, at the bar next to the gym that I go to. I went to the gym, not the bar, so I snapped a picture of the bus.

Icicles are still around!

Mathew Ryan: April 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

I got a little lost, and found an access road for power lines in the middle of the woods. I walked along this road for a while, and enjoyed the view at the top of the hill.

Happy Easter!

Saw this on my way home from picking up a part in Westminster, Vermont. Have to love random lawn deco!

New power lines, and sky...

...just to be juxtaposed by abandoned power lines, and more sky...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

mathew ryan: april 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

My apologies for lack of posts. My computer ran out of memory, I had to buy an external hard drive, and I've been really, extremely busy. Here's a few pictures, I hope to add more tonight or tomorrow

Strange plant I saw on a hike. Added a red intensifier.

Air traffic communications tower, kind of reminds me of a piece of 1960's or 1970's deco.

Apparently, I just like milkweed plants... I have a lot of pictures of these...

Tried to shoot the full moon, somewhat successful. Actually reminds me of an Against Me! album cover.

Took a night shot of Hanover. Slightly fuzzy because the tripod slipped, but this was the best one that came out.

19th April 2009

London - I`M COMMING!!!! =)

18th April 2009

A flower from our garden..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

FevLUa april 17 Kids

I love people. kids are just great. i was walkin' one day and..they are just adorable!

this little girl was wondering, i guess, why do i look her like that :)) and i was amazed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

15th April 2009


14th April 2009

ROCK!! =)

13th April 2009

Christl Stürmer live

I made a photo of the photographer, who made a photo of the star! =)