Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oz: Sun Dance Party

I have left LA and begun my trek east. I am currently in park city utah participating in the sundance film festival. I have seen cool movies and met cool people. With so much to see and do, its hard to get out and get some cool pics, but here is what I have come up with...

Day14 – Arrival Day – I arrive in park City and it is beautiful. Get all situated with Sundance and get a really nice condo for the festival. I explore with my roommate and his friends. Meet some cool people, its going to be a good two weeks.


Day15 – Warehaus Day - A stack of New York Times in front of the warehouse that I have to deliver as part of my job. I usually arrive about 15 minutes before the rest of the crew, perfect time to take photos before the sun comes up.


Day 16 – Delivery Day – Make more deliveries, go to an advanced screening of a documentary, enjoy the mountain air. People keep stealing the pallet jack from the warehouse, so we brand it.


Day 17 – World Premiere day – I see two world premieres in one day, here is a photo from the audience, you can pretend like you are here.


Day 18 – Hungover day – too much to drink at the bar = miserable day. After work I take photos while I am waiting for the bus. Here are the instructions for a propane heater.


Day 19 – Shot tree day – Walking to lunch I discovered a grove of shoes. I got so caught up I was late to work. There must have been hundreds of shoes in these trees and no explanation. I wanna go back at sunset…


Day 20 – Latin Lover day – Ran into the Spanish actor again, I didn’t know he was also in the devils backbone…flirted…again, saw some movies, took this photo walking down main street, the blue lights seemed cool.



  1. that shoe picture is insane! what neat thing to come across in day to day life.

  2. OZ! What a fascinating lifestyle you're living right now. I'm so envious of your involvement with Sundance!

    The last picture is awesome. The cold blue lights really bring it to winter life.

    Love the texture of the newspapers and the torn top edge adds character.

    Love the DOF of day 18, I get the feeling that's what it would have looked like through my eyes if I were hung over. =P

    And the shoe tree picture is just an interesting story. I hope you did go back at sunset.


    keep it up, Oz.
