Saturday, January 3, 2009

Alison, Day #3: __without name__

This is day three. I have to admit it's kind of sloppy. But this bicycle just haunts me sometimes.

Not long after I told my parents I was moving from our home, my mom took down six photos of us kids. There was a baby photo right next to a high school graduation photo for each of us. The wall was left stark white and she's since hung this brass bicycle there.

It bewilders me, but I presume it's part of the empty-nest syndrome.

Anyhow, each night as a drag down the hall to my bedroom, I notice the shadows cast onto that stark white wall from the night-time lamp. Tonight, I had sense enough to photograph it.

I'm not sure I'm content with the contrast or the composition. But I do love how even though it's a fairly tightly cropped shot, I think we all still know it's a bicycle. Right?

Anyhow, it's mildly experimental. I was feel abstracty, but for the time being, this was the best I could do.



  1. I like this, I think the vignette-look really helps too. I'm a huge fan of vignettes, in case no one has noticed, lol.

  2. VINTAGE!!!! I love it! The shadows are incredible, especially with the swirlies :)
