Saturday, January 3, 2009

Alison posts: UPDATES

This is a non-photo update.

I know this is a photo-oriented blog, but there are a few things I want to keep reminding you all of...

1. Add tags to your posts if you'd like to make future searches go much more smoothly. If used properly, tags are quite efficient!

2. Anyone participating as a photographer is urged to write up a brief bio about him/herself to be added to the sidebar. You can write whatever you like, it's a definition of yourself. I'm not going to do any editing of these submissions beyond the essentials.

(also something to consider -- including a link to your own website. Perhaps you have a flickr account, or a myspace, or a blog. If you'd like me to include a link, just say so.)

3. WE HAVE A GUY! For the entire existence of this blog (a whopping three days!!), we've been strictly women, although not by force. But as of today, we've got a guy participating. I'd like to give a warm welcome to Mat Ryan. Keep your eyes out for his posts. Heard through the grapevine he's got himself a new camera. I should be expecting lots of experimental shots from him. =P

4. I feel I should clarify I didn't create the "one photo every day for a year" concept. I merely brought it to life within my unit of friends and brought us all together through this collaborative blog. I don't want anyone under the impression I'm trying to take credit for such a novel idea. And should anyone know the name of the genius who did think it up, I'd appreciate that information!

5. I also feel I should clarify that no one is required to post every day. It's a resolution; I look at it that way, so I'm doing my best to stick with mine. You're more than welcome to post less than one photo per day -- whatever suits you and your lifestyle best. This project is merely designed to help you spread your photographic wings and to share experiences with one another.

6. And lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who's been commenting already. The positive criticisms are really nice to hear.

All in all, I'm happy with the direction this is all going. I wish you all nothing but the best. I love all of you and keep shooting these amazing photographs!


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